On February 20, 2019, a twitter user captured this in front of the Seneca SRO hotel at 34 6th street, which is a Tenderloin Housing Clinic supported housing for the homeless
Housing First evictions
update 2024 list of restraining orders
update 2023, On March 20, 2023 the San Francisco Board of Supervisors held a 2 hour hearing on evictions in supportive housing. Testmony by both staff and tenants included incidents of throwing microwaves out of windows, how some people destabilize entire buildings, an increaee is damage to units and an increase in refusal to pay rent. Also, thread on California 2016 Housing First law and efforts to repeal it
Tenderloin Housing Clinic 2014 tax form 990
Tenderloin Housing Clinic non profit tax form 990, the latest available from the California Attorney Generals office
Crackheads of the Day #133
All of these people are residents of nearby supportive housing SROs and specifically come here at night to smoke crack. This is where they buy the crack
Crackheads of the Day #132.1
.1This post shows drug dealers of Tenderloin Housing Clinic which receives city, state, and federal funds under the Housing First program. All of them live at the Seneca SRO, 34 6th Street
1035 Market recently installed a barrier. lets see if it did anything at all.
Randy Shaws Happy Housing #7
Dear Abby, my neighbor keeps yelling he will 'kill everyone'. Should I not give him the Ginsu knife set?
Krista Gaeta, deputy director of the Tenderloin Housing Clinic, which runs the Jefferson, said some clients are too mentally ill to live in the building, which is overseen by the Human Services Agency. She said “a huge number” belong instead in Direct Access to Housing, which serves a higher-need population.
from SF Public Press
Of course, that's not stopping Randy Shaw and Tenderloin Housing Clinic from housing them anyway, because Randy Shaw never met a tax dollar he didn't like
Randy Shaws Happy Housing #6
Can you count the number of death threats in Randy Shaws Happy Housing #6
Krista Gaeta, deputy director of the Tenderloin Housing Clinic, which runs the Jefferson, said some clients are too mentally ill to live in the building, which is overseen by the Human Services Agency. She said “a huge number” belong instead in Direct Access to Housing, which serves a higher-need population.
from SF Public Press
Of course, that's not stopping Randy Shaw and Tenderloin Housing Clinic from housing them anyway, because Randy Shaw never met a tax dollar he didn't like
Randy Shaw Happy Housing #5
Krista Gaeta, deputy director of the Tenderloin Housing Clinic, which runs the Jefferson, said some clients are too mentally ill to live in the building, which is overseen by the Human Services Agency. She said “a huge number” belong instead in Direct Access to Housing, which serves a higher-need population.
from SF Public Press
Of course, that's not stopping Randy Shaw and Tenderloin Housing Clinic from housing them anyway, because Randy Shaw never met a tax dollar he didn't like
This example is one of Randy Shaws clients at the Seneca in Mid Market after he threatened his doctor in the Mission district and the doctor called the police
demolishing Tenderloin Housing Clinic
Here's how Tenderloin Housing Clinic residents demolish their homes piece by piece, and without a license!
It's Randy Shaws Wrecking Crew!
Crackheads of the Day #115
This episode of genocide in slow motion brought to you by Tenderloin Housing Clinic who's generous contributions have made this series possible