How new legislation could intensify the concentration of addicts in the Tenderloin

Two supervisors, Matt Dorsey and Rafael Mandelman are currently working on new legislation to provide up to 25% of funding to be used for recovery housing, or sober housing according to the SF Standard

The legislation will be posted here once introduced, but according to the article it only applies to new buildings yet to be contracted out to non profits

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suicide at the Seneca

On February 20, 2019, a twitter user captured this in front of the Seneca SRO hotel at 34 6th street, which is a Tenderloin Housing Clinic supported housing for the homeless

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Housing First evictions

update 2024 list of restraining orders

update 2023, On March 20, 2023 the San Francisco Board of Supervisors held a 2 hour hearing on evictions in supportive housing. Testmony by both staff and tenants included incidents of throwing microwaves out of windows, how some people destabilize entire buildings, an increaee is damage to units and an increase in refusal to pay rent. Also, thread on California 2016 Housing First law and efforts to repeal it

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Tenderloin Housing Clinic 2014 tax form 990

Tenderloin Housing Clinic non profit tax form 990, the latest available from the California Attorney Generals office

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Randy Shaw accused of racism in lawsuit

This lawsuit dates back a few years to 2014 and the original complaint is

Case Number: CGC 12 526406

Randy Shaw is the head of Tenderloin Housing Clinic, the largest provider of supportive housing for the homeless in San Francisco. The organization receives more than 27 million dollars a year in local and federal funds which comprise nearly 100% of it's budget

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Randy Shaws Happy Housing #7

Dear Abby, my neighbor keeps yelling he will 'kill everyone'. Should I not give him the Ginsu knife set?

Krista Gaeta, deputy director of the Tenderloin Housing Clinic, which runs the Jefferson, said some clients are too mentally ill to live in the building, which is overseen by the Human Services Agency. She said “a huge number” belong instead in Direct Access to Housing, which serves a higher-need population.

from SF Public Press

Of course, that's not stopping Randy Shaw and Tenderloin Housing Clinic from housing them anyway, because Randy Shaw never met a tax dollar he didn't like

wXP_1_20150502_163734_01a by auweia1

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Randy Shaws Happy Housing #6

Can you count the number of death threats in Randy Shaws Happy Housing #6

Krista Gaeta, deputy director of the Tenderloin Housing Clinic, which runs the Jefferson, said some clients are too mentally ill to live in the building, which is overseen by the Human Services Agency. She said “a huge number” belong instead in Direct Access to Housing, which serves a higher-need population.

from SF Public Press

Of course, that's not stopping Randy Shaw and Tenderloin Housing Clinic from housing them anyway, because Randy Shaw never met a tax dollar he didn't like

wXP_1_20150430_120451_01a by auweia1

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Randy Shaw Happy Housing #5

Krista Gaeta, deputy director of the Tenderloin Housing Clinic, which runs the Jefferson, said some clients are too mentally ill to live in the building, which is overseen by the Human Services Agency. She said “a huge number” belong instead in Direct Access to Housing, which serves a higher-need population.

from SF Public Press

Of course, that's not stopping Randy Shaw and Tenderloin Housing Clinic from housing them anyway, because Randy Shaw never met a tax dollar he didn't like

This example is one of Randy Shaws clients at the Seneca in Mid Market after he threatened his doctor in the Mission district and the doctor called the police

wXP_1_20150218_173511_01a by auweia1

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resident falls down elevator shaft at the Mission Hotel

Got this sent to me anonymously so it's unconfirmed, but this should be investigated especially if Randy Shaws company, Tenderloin Housing Clinic, which master leases the Mission Hotel, is trying to cover it up

Longtime mission hotel resident Charles Davis has been complaining to anyone who would listen that THC has been giving him the shaft for years. He is in his 70's and blind. he uses a cane combined with his memory to navigate,.

2 or 3 days ago, Mr Davis was headed to an upper floor to visit another resident. as he always does, he tapped his way across the lobby toward the elevator and pushed the call button. Normally he can determine the elevator's status by the sounds of its machinery. but with the street noise and the lobby often full of residents, its not a perfect system. so after waiting what seemed to be too long, Charles opened to elevator door and remarked .."you mean I've been waiting all this time for an elevator that's here!".

He then stepped into he elevator shaft ! There was no car....and as gravity works, a second later Charles was in a heap at the bottom of the elevator shaft (aka: the pit) It was pitch dark. The first residents could only hear his moans coming from the darkness and resorted to using Bic lighters to try to see him. By the grace of God, Charles impacted in a small area without heavy equipment that would have impaled him and the vintage 220 volt electrical equipment that would have killed him if he impacted it. Despite the horrific scene, it was quite apparent what LUCK Charles had.

Its almost unbelievable, but because the Mission Hotel is built over what was Mission Creek, the building has no traditional basement. Consequently, the elevator pit is far less deep than one might expect. Moreover, Charles had the good fortune of entering at the lobby level which limited his fall to about 15 feet . Had he entered on any of the upper floors he likely would have died.

While waiting for emergency services to arrive, Charles managed to communicate that he was hurt but he didn't think he was seriously injured. With those words, there was a second a sigh of relief from everyone present.. But then it was realized that elevator car, located above the lobby level was still powered and should it descend, the shallow pit design left no spare room and Charles could be crushed before he was rescued.

In the end Charles was successfully rescued. He is bruised and very sore, but he will recover. Amazingly, he did not suffer a single bone break! (tough old goat!)

A couple of interesting points:

A] THC is furiously trying to keep a lid on the story.. in its typical bully-like, classless and crude style There has been much said at the BoS about unsafe SRO elevators in recent times..

B] About a year ago (maybe two) the geniuses in charge at THC dropped their existing (and very well liked) elevator maintenance company Bleythle (sp) (Dan the elevator man)
after more than 12 years for a cheaper company despite the fact THC oversees some the oldest and trickiest elevators anywhere to keep running and Bleythe specializes
on San Francisco's many antique lifts!

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demolishing Tenderloin Housing Clinic

Here's how Tenderloin Housing Clinic residents demolish their homes piece by piece, and without a license!

It's Randy Shaws Wrecking Crew!

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