On February 20, 2019, a twitter user captured this in front of the Seneca SRO hotel at 34 6th street, which is a Tenderloin Housing Clinic supported housing for the homeless
Some research found that this person was Victor Humphries and he was being evicted by the San Francisco Sheriff and Tenderloin Housing Clinic that day and that he had barricaded himself inside his room and jumped when the sheriff finally gained entry. Victor Humphries owed $650. It was a default judgement and he never showed up for court. Questions remain whether Victor Humphries ever knew he had options, such as eviction prevention that is funded by the mayors office or whether Tenderloin Housing Clinic followed their own protocol or city or state protocol. Here is his eviction
Tenderloin Housing Clinic v... by on Scribd
there are also inconsistencies in evictions that Tenderloin Housing Clinic has done with the amount people can owe before they are evicted. For example this eviction was for $3000
THC BOS 2017 770 OFarrell W... by on Scribd