Randy Shaw accused of racism in lawsuit

This lawsuit dates back a few years to 2014 and the original complaint is

Case Number: CGC 12 526406

Randy Shaw is the head of Tenderloin Housing Clinic, the largest provider of supportive housing for the homeless in San Francisco. The organization receives more than 27 million dollars a year in local and federal funds which comprise nearly 100% of it's budget

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Randy Shaws Happy Housing #7

Dear Abby, my neighbor keeps yelling he will 'kill everyone'. Should I not give him the Ginsu knife set?

Krista Gaeta, deputy director of the Tenderloin Housing Clinic, which runs the Jefferson, said some clients are too mentally ill to live in the building, which is overseen by the Human Services Agency. She said “a huge number” belong instead in Direct Access to Housing, which serves a higher-need population.

from SF Public Press

Of course, that's not stopping Randy Shaw and Tenderloin Housing Clinic from housing them anyway, because Randy Shaw never met a tax dollar he didn't like

wXP_1_20150502_163734_01a by auweia1

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Randy Shaws Happy Housing #6

Can you count the number of death threats in Randy Shaws Happy Housing #6

Krista Gaeta, deputy director of the Tenderloin Housing Clinic, which runs the Jefferson, said some clients are too mentally ill to live in the building, which is overseen by the Human Services Agency. She said “a huge number” belong instead in Direct Access to Housing, which serves a higher-need population.

from SF Public Press

Of course, that's not stopping Randy Shaw and Tenderloin Housing Clinic from housing them anyway, because Randy Shaw never met a tax dollar he didn't like

wXP_1_20150430_120451_01a by auweia1

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Crackheads of the Day #112

Most people think these are homeless people. Except they're not looking for a home, nor does anyone sleep here - ever. In fact these people have more money and better internet tablets than you do

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Randy Shaws Happy Housing #3

Mid Market, San Francisco, Seneca Hotel at the corner of Stevenson and 6th, next door to Dotties True Blue cafe and Zendesk

It's time for you to meet some of your neighbors. Believe it or not, this building did not used to be like this. This building housed all working people in the 1990's and it wasn't until the Patels bought and Randy Shaw and Tenderloin Housing Clinic master leased it, that it turned into an unlicensed, unregulated mental institution filled with narcotics

This is the reason why there are no more working people in this city funded, non profit run SRO's, because working people do not want to live in a mental institution. The working people who used to live in this building were literally forced out via intimidation and slowly being replaced with mental patients on drugs. It's not because the rooms aren't nice, or the building isn't nice, it's because the City of San Francisco deliberately funded a concentration of a specific subset of society in these SRO's, thereby creating a containment zone. This was at the expense of working people, who used to live in these buildings

No sane working person would willingly live with this, no matter how nice you refurbish it

With that, meet one of your neighbors who likes to yell out the window at the street below. These are the current residents housed by Randy Shaw under Tenderloin Housing Clinic 'master lease' contracts funded by the City of San Francisco. In this first video, the screen shot is literally the rooftop garden at Dotties True Blue Cafe. They still have never used it to this day, and here's why Continue reading »

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Randy Shaws Happy Housing #1

This used to be all working people in this building. Randy Shaw turned it into this and now it's Happy Housing

Right in the middle of the San Francisco Mid Market tech revival. Literally 40 feet from Zendesk

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Somebody sold Fred meth again

THC has also continued efforts to address public drug dealing in key neighborhood hotspots. These include the Leavenworth Corridor and the first block of Turk. THC organized a large coalition of residents, workers, building owners, and merchants to work with the police in addressing these problems

From Randy Shaw's own website

RANDY SHAW: No, that’s absolutely false. I mean, nobody has spent more time than me trying to reduce crime in the Tenderloin.
- From a PBS Newhour

Well, this is in one of Randy Shaw's own buildings, in Mid Market, San Francisco and he gets it in the building, no need to go get it on the street

and if you think it's new or the police haven't tried, this is from 2 years ago, same Fred, same meth

Posted in 6th street, mid market, Randy Shaws Happy Housing, Tenderloin Housing Clinic | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

mid market police sub station window dressing

The sign has arrived on 6th street for the upcoming police sub station


It looks like an official notice


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Bay Guardian does another Beyondchron critique

This isn't the first time as the Bay Guardian has criticized Randy Shaw. They did so during the debate for the Mid Market twitter tax break and questioned whether Randy Shaw has a conflict of interest


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