shit’s hit the fan now

almost literally! Jameth has been documenting all kinds of brown goop up and down Stevenson near 6th lately. and SFist just posted it, sort of. Is it safe for work?...well, what about the people who work here, huh? and live here?...Is it safe for them too?

this is the feces cart paid for by the Central Market CBD (is it NSFW for them?..that IS their work) They come by and spray it down and chase poops all over the mid market area. Or should I say the poopers chase them around all day? Because these guys are permanently busy chasing down steaming piles of brown goo. Who will win?. Will the pooper chasers get buried in a mountain of brown slop?, We shall see

upate >> brand new pile of steaming doodoo within a couple hours of the poop cart cleaning this same area (see below)(I took this one)

also, there are plenty of free toilets nearby, including across the street at the federal building and many more

and there's also a Google Maps API from

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update 2

this is the DPW industrial tanker that comes through once a day...Or once a month depending on funding, so they tell me, and on top of the CBD feces patrol, it's still not enough, as you can see

all these photos below are from Jameth








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