M-80 explosions on 6th Street and Tenderloin

This seems to be a fairly recent development and is also been reported in the Tenderloin/Tendernob area via Everyblock and a long discussion about it


via the new Soma Community Safety Group

The Rose (on 6th Street) was rocked by two explosions last night that I believe came from M1000 fireworks. This is a youtube video so you can see what it sounds like: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AIthc77KW8w

The desk clerk believes that the fireworks were thrown from a car.

Earlier in the week a fellow was out in front of the DA Arts gallery shooting off bottle rockets in broad daylight onto a crowed 6th St. When I pulled out my cell phone, someone shouted "He's calling the Cops!" He then started shooting the bottle rockets directly at me. Later I saw him get into a car with lic plate 4MTL799. Couldn't get the make and model. But it was a small dark blue sedan with duck tape over the rear side windows.

I believe this is a deliberate attempt by the drug dealers to intimidate decent people into leaving the area so they can go back to doing business as usual on that street corner.

No telling if the same individual was responsible for both fireworks incidents but it wouldn't surprise me.

these two videos are from last night and a block away from the Rose hotel on 6th street. The video doesn't show the explosion, only the audio, so you can hear what it sounds like. If you live near Mid market/Tenderloin/SOMA, and wonder what the loud bangs are late at night, you're not just hearing things

10PM last night

2:40am this morning..explosion occurs at 2:10min

Watch live video from 6th and Stevenson, San Francisco on Justin.tv

This is security cam footage of an explosion last week at Leavenworth and O'farrell, video but no sound

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